Re-invention has been one of the most important reoccurring events in my career. As market trends change, recessions come and go and, of course, you get older... a voice-over needs to regularly reassess so many aspects of his work sphere: are my demos sufficiently current and do they reflect the best of my work to date; do my web sites serve purpose adequately; am I marketing myself to the right people and are there voice-over fields I haven't addressed yet; am I using social media and other platforms to promote myself?
As a one man band who has to work, be secretary, accountant, lawyer and marketing manager, finding the time to do all this can be very time consuming. But - if we don't do it the work load is going to decrease. This summer I took on three new agents - in Colorado, Chicago and London. Both US agents have already paid dividends with lucrative work. I voiced a national radio campaign (Canada) for Muskoka Brewery and a statewide TV campaign for the Texas Lottery. There has been one job for the London agent and several new leads. That element of the re-invention is going well so far.
The last few days have involved a web site keywords overhaul, a new "Father Christmas - The Voice" Facebook page and moves to start yet another voice-over web site. I'll keep this going until I see the rewards.
Personal re-invention also helps the process and a move to new house has certainly been stimulating. In February we moved to the delightful Rose Cottage at Cwmcarn.
Part of the house is 17th century and it is the oldest inhabited dwelling in the area. A well renovated combination of old oak beams, lovely stone work and other features make for a beautiful home.
It was a cottage on a farm estate for hundreds of years and is now the only element of the farm left.
It is in one of the most beautiful valleys in Wales and the views from the house are quite spectacular.
We leave behind us a larger house with several acres and a headache of outhouses, fields, fences and trees - in other words stressful maintenance problems. At the new home we can start to relax our lives enjoy life more.
So - re-invention all round in my life is the name of the game. I feel as though I am now at the peak of my career and doing some of my best work. Onwards and upwards!
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